Hello ...

If you're devoted to building a legacy aligned with your soul's higher purpose mission, you've come to the right place.

We work exclusively with mission-devoted entrepreneurs who are passionate about forging a legacy in a spiritually aligned way.

1. Clarify Your Mission, Purpose, Genius & Legacy (Divine Blueprint)

2. Reinvent your Personal Brand in Alignment with Your Higher

Purpose MIssion

3. Become Magnetic by Releasing Emotional Blocks and Core Wounds

4. Manifest Like a Powerful Creator by Reconnecting with Your Divinity

5. Amplify your Influence using Inlightend Influence Method and marketing automation.\

6. Grow your purpose-driven business exponentially and

7.Expand your consciousness so you can serve humanity at an even higher level.


As you know, the realm of business is multi-dimensional, much like the expansion of consciousness itself. Both are intricate, fractal, and interconnected.

This is why achieving extraordinary results often requires the ability to bridge various domains simultaneously. It's about seeing beyond the surface and understanding what lies between the gaps, perceiving what others might overlook:

The technical and the strategic

Spirituality intertwined with science

The intuitive harmonizing with the analytical

The exoteric and the esoteric

The marketer blending seamlessly with the mystic

Visionary ideas melding into flawless execution

Does this resonate?

This ability to traverse such diverse realms is why I'm often referred to as 'The Unicorn.' For over 30 years, I've been bridging these realms while making my clients tens of millions giving you the ultimate advantage. (read more)

5 Ways We Can Help

1. Personal Brand Reinvention for Humanity-Devoted CEOs, Founders & Entrepreneurs

(group coaching and private consulting - from $5,000 to $20,000)

2. Sales, Marketing, and Business Guidance for Quantumly-Passionate Entrepreneurs

Thriving in the new paradigm means operating in a very different way. We help you navigate that landscape and amplify your impact … without compromising your values.

3. Marketing Automation, Campaigns, Lead Generation, & Outsourcing Agency

In an AI world, automation is critical to spread your reach and give you more time to ‘serve’. Our team makes it easy and affordable for you to do that.

4. Personal Wizard to High Performance Leaders

Our work together might include anything from intuitive, pattern-reading to multi-dimensional energy clearing, marketing, brand reinvention, pitch training, lead generation, business guidance, mind mastery, or belief clearing, or magical practices ... all bespoke to your needs.

This is for You If You're ..

  • Devoted to being extraordinary - the best at what you do.

  • Devoted to your higher purpose mission

  • Inspirational and a leader in your field.

  • An action taker - a ferocious one.

  • An alternative thinker - you realise that not everything in the world is as it appears to be.

  • Committed to a path of service

  • Devoted to a path of consciousness expansion

  • Sell a quality product or service.

  • Have the money to invest in your growth.

This is NOT for You If ..

  1. You're looking for a 'miracle worker'.

If you have a product or service that nobody wants to buy, as much as I'd like to, I can't get blood out of a stone.

Or if you're bleeding money and you're hoping I can save you, I learnt a long time ago that Savior syndrome doesn't work for me or for anyone.

  1. You're in an industry that isn't fun for me.

I only work in industries with products or services that I'm passionate about. I don't work in property, finance, MLM, gambling, porn, or business opportunities.

  1. You're not prepared to take action.

If you respect my advice and put the effort in to take the action needed, you'll get results. If you don't, you won't. I am not interested in wasting your time or mine.

  1. You're not open to new things.

Some areas of my work are highly esoteric. If you're not open to that, a business relationship between us won't work.

But if you are ...

Before You Invest, Let's See If We're a FIT

Before we agree to work together, I want to find out more about your business and what you want to achieve so I can be sure of a few things:

  1. That I can help you based on what you want to achieve.

  2. That the chemistry is right. If we're energetically aligned, magic will flow. If not, it won't so that isn't right for either of us.

  3. That your business or product/service is inspirational and focused on the betterment of humanity.

And of course, you need to be sure you want to work with me too.    

So - fill out your details below and let's arrange a time for a Clarity Session.

It's completely no obligation. In fact, it's more like a Coffee Date than a Sales Call.

I understand that this service starts at $3000 per month and I am able to make that investment.



c;- 17 Greg Chappel Drive Albion 4010

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